
Hello , My wonderful Life

Hi , SPM was Over
My life is getting wonderful and wonderful

wow , i have to resume my college life soon .

honorably , i have excellent friendship 

We had a great Trip at Pulau pangkor . It's memorable

Ours memorable Pangkor trip , 3D2N

10-12-2012 , 8.00pm Departure from here 
                      2.00 pm arrival Lumut Jetty

 after me reached pulau pangkor by ferry 
after we having our delicious lunch .

Start our adventure , The first day


the first day night , we found  blue sand (蓝眼泪) beside the beach

i'm very excited for the first time we found blue sand


正确的分类学名是ostracod。身长0.2mm至2mm,已经化石 化,生活在水中环境。



这种微生物会出现在海边,大概是被海浪冲上岸吧。因为细小如沙粒,所以英文称为blue sand,和blue sand比起来蓝眼泪显得诗意浪漫多了。

The second day Morning 6.30 am

8 po

Snorkeling , 12.00 pm

Sea cucumber 海参

sea urchin 海胆

 Thanks Uncle Poo so much , very good service

If u interesting in pangkor 

looking for a good service tour ,
 contact him 

Uncle Poo
012 452 2760
013 501 2394

The third Day 

We have to leave here soon .



Yes , i just pass my Birthday .

a Great birthday 

Daidomon Japanese BBQ restaurant

RM104 Per Person

Address: Great Eastern Mall 303 Jalan Ampang, 
50450 Ampang, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Phone:03-4252 8155

日本和牛以 黑色为主毛色,在乳房和腹壁有白斑。成年母牛体重约620千克、公牛约950千克,犊牛经27月龄育肥,体重达700千克以上,平均日增重1.2千克以 上。日本和牛是当今世界公认的品质最优秀的良种肉牛,其肉大理石花纹明显,又称“雪花肉”。由于日本和牛的肉多汁细嫩、肌肉脂肪中饱和脂肪酸含量很低,风 味独特,肉用价值极高,在日本被视为“国宝”,在西欧市场也极其昂贵。日本和牛是我国十分珍贵的优质肉牛品种资源。  

 here supply 和牛 


Thanks my Family , Friends and Love 
You are a part of my life .
I can't live without anyone .